W3C Fox Traps From Space  FOXES


Fox Trap 4
Fox Trap Four is slightly left of centre

Mecklin Park
Fox trap at Mecklin Park
(has not yet featured on this site)

Fox Trap One
Fox Trap One

Fox Trap Five
Fox Trap Five

Using Google Earth it is possible to see some, although not all of the Lakeland “fox traps” from space. Below are the ones currently “found” and when time allows looking for them perhaps there will be more. There is also the prospect of finding new ones previously unrecorded. The numbers correspond to the number on the site.

With thanks to J Gavins for the space pix.

Fox Trap Four from ground level
Fox Trap Four from ground level

Mecklin Park fox trap
Mecklin Park fox trap

Fox Trap One
Fox Trap One from ground level

Fox Trap Five
Fox Trap Five from ground level

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