W3C Fox Trap 1  FOXES

Fox Trap One
Fox Trap One

Fox Trap One in the  snow
Fox Trap One in the snow

Building 100m south of the trap
Building 100m south of the trap
© R Grimshawe

Detail of the carved stone with the initials and the date 1738
Detail of the carved stone with the initials and the date 1738 © R Grimshawe

Situated near a famous borran, 500 metres above sea level, Trap One is approx 65% intact, built by skilled dry stone wallers. Despite the top having fallen in on itself, the inward curve is still evident.

To increase the depth it has been suggested that a pit was also dug inside the trap, however it is difficult to see any evidence due to the fallen stones within. The trap would have been approximately 2.5 metres in height on completion.

To the West and North is an extensive borran within a complicated boulder field, containing many entrances underground. A considerable amount of work has been done to seal off a number of entrances and crevices over a wide area, however a good many still remain.

Approx 100 metres south are the ruins of a building, originally slate roofed, that has undergone alterations with sealed windows and added walls within. A possible clue to its origins is a weathered inscription on a boulder opposite dated 1738 and some unclear initials. I'm of the opinion that it is a summer dwelling for shepherds, although it may be associated with the fox trap.

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